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 Post subject: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:50 pm 
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..... if not completely different, than at least not common (with apologies to Monty Python!)

I have recently updated both my homepage and some of the assoicated fotopic collections.

I think that you'll find them interesting. I should warn you that they are mostly heritage transport or similar, and most are 12" to the foot scale - ie 100% scale!

How about a coke-fired horse drawn chip van? (yes, you did read that!)

I try to keep the fotopic sections (in particular) updated with developments, and I hope to be able to have to add details of another significant new project quite soon. When that happens I'll add to this thread, which should be more or less weekly for the fotopic updates, and rather less often for the new project updates.

Most of our projects take several months to complete, and at times there seems to be very little progress to show, until a lot of previously produced or refurbished items are put together.

You are welcome to comment - here or there.

Thanks for looking! If you click on the fotopic thumbnails, then I get to know what is popular (or not).

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:32 pm 
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Update for the start of November.
How y’all doin’?

I had intended doing this update during the last few days in October, as a couple of things were about to happen I was persuaded to put off doing it for a few days, but now I can reveal some of the recent developments.

Progress is being made on NER70, and although the work is not very photogenic, some more images should be available shortly.
The collection for the Miller Fifer has shown a few changes, mainly to do with the wheelhouse, which has a new roof.
Berriman’s Chip Van has been quite a convoluted saga! A further visit from the film unit has taken place recently. After the efforts over the last few days, the rebuild is effectively complete, and the only remaining work is in connection with finishing off the finer points of the paintwork.
As usual, I’ve managed to add a couple of “backdated” images.
The biggest news :woohoo has been the arrival at our workshops of the passenger cars from the Saltburn Cliff Lift / funicular / tramway. Currently, they are undergoing some exploratory surgery! Watch this space for more news…….


That’s all for now, folks.
Thanks for looking, and clicking thumbnails!

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:50 pm 
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Update for Late January 2011.

Are you sitting in a warm and comfortable manner? then I’ll begin….

I had intended doing this update during the last few days in December, but as a few things were about due to happen, I let myself be persuaded to put off doing it for a little bit longer. As some of these have now been completed, I can reveal some of the recent developments. This is a summary of several recent updates, done in the last few days, and an indication of some future updates.

NER70 has had a little more work, and although it is not very photogenic at this stage, a couple of images have been posted.

Berriman’s Chip Van has, at last, been collected by Webster’s and should shortly be on display at Beamish. Hopefully, a few more images will become available once the Chip Shop itself is finished.

Saltburn Cliff Lift
After the exploratory investigations, it was decided that the best plan would be to completely rebuild the one car, whilst the other received the matching “victorianisation” as planned, during its own refurbishment. Some images have already been posted, and a few extra will be put up quite soon to show progress.

The workshop fore-dog has taken early(?) retirement, and to mark his promotion to chair-dog he now has his own collection, which will be updated as I find the images. :lol2:

The recent weather has allowed me to add some good shots; the hoar frost was most impressive.

As usual, I’ve managed to add a couple of “backdated” images, to various collections.

That’s all for now, folks. If all goes according to plan, I should have some additional images to post very soon.

Thanks for showing your interest - by clicking thumbnails!
(You may have to wait a moment, or two, for some of the images to load)


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:34 am 
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Hi StoneRoad!

Thanks for the latest updates.

I especially like the ice and frost pictures. I thought we had it cold in Manchester, but when valves are fracturing and lagged pipes are bursting, that was cold!

Actually, one of the founder members of FOPS, Alan Ralphs was interested in trams, so he would have found your site very interesting. Sadly he died a few years ago.


Dave Stubbs

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:09 pm 
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Hello Dave,

Glad you liked the updates....

....the temp went down to -13.5C during the severe frosts
before the thaw revealed the burst valve. Trying to work those days was difficult - at least wood doesn't feel quite as cold as metal at those temps!

Progress continues....

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:25 pm 
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Early Feb 2011 Update.

Greetings, one and all:

Over the past two days I have updated several fotopic collections, to record the progress of various projects. The Index page is in my signature; scroll down for links to the collections.

Most of the recent work has concentrated on the Saltburn Cliff Lift. The car we are re-building has now begun to take shape, and we are starting the work on the components for the “Victorianisation” of both cars. There is still a lot of work to do before Easter……


At the end of last year we built two additional Pullman style armchairs for our first export order. The buyers have just collected them, as they wanted to meet Harry. It would seem that the chairdog lived up to the title, as it was his presence that made the sale. There will be a suitable bonus in his “paypacket” as a result.

As I have been continued (slowly) sorting out and indexing the photographic records, one or two collections have gained a few extra pictures - no doubt there will be some further *lost* images to be found!

Thanks for looking and thumbnail clicking!

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:59 pm 
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Late Feb 2011 update.
Hi there, everyone:

During the past couple of days I have updated several fotopic collections, to record the recent progress on various projects. The Index page is in my signature; scroll down for the links to the most recent work – alpha/numeric listing (please, check the “more collections” link for other items).

Most of the recent work has concentrated on the Saltburn Cliff Lift.
The car we are re-building has now been completed structurally and we have begun the interior work. In addition, we are continuing to work on the components for the “Victorianisation” of both cars. There is still a lot of work to do before Easter……


As I have continued (slowly) sorting out and indexing the photographic records, one or two collections have gained a few extra pictures - no doubt there will be some further *lost* images to be found!

Enjoy a good look around – you might be surprised! :wink2:
Thanks for looking and thumbnail clicking!


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:00 pm 
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FOTOPIC Status Report - 2011 March 15

Please be advised that with Fotopic currently unavailable, normal service will be resumed when I have decided on an alternative host for the image collections, and done some uploads.....

Apologies, an' all that!


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:56 pm 
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As a result of the sudden, and unexplained, disappearance of fotopic on the 9th March 2011, a small selection from the 800+ images – from two galleries – are now hosted on flickr.


Currently there are two sets for current work (Saltburn Cliff Lift and the Miller Fifer), and a further nine sets for past projects.

As yet; the image titles, tags and captions (descriptions) are still a work in progress, and I will be adding others shortly.

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:34 pm 
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As a result of the sudden, and unexplained, disappearance of fotopic on the 9th March 2011, a selection from the 800+ images – from two galleries – are now hosted on flickr.


Currently there are three sets for current work (Saltburn Cliff Lift, NER 70 and the Miller Fifer), a further seventeen sets for past projects and another six sets covering other subjects.
As yet; the image titles, tags and captions (descriptions) are still a work in progress, and I will be adding others shortly – as and when I find them!

The concentration of our efforts on the Saltburn Cliff Lift project had meant that work on other aspects had been postponed until the lift was re-opened to the public on 22nd April 2011. As that milestone has now been successfully passed, we can extend our attention to other matters, including updating websites, including flickr.

Recent flickr updates include the cliff lift:
And further uploads of material that was previously on fotopic.

Thanks for looking – please explore my photostream, and click on some images!


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:31 pm 
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Flickr updates to Mid-May 2011

Over the last few days, I have been able to spend time sorting out images and I have retrieved about 150 images that I thought had disappeared into the ether. These have been uploaded to the Flickr account, and I have titled, captioned and tagged them. This brings me up to just over 700 images, and I hope that I have got all the important ones – if I find any more lurking around…….

Currently there are three sets for current work (which includes the Saltburn Cliff Lift, NER 70, and the Miller Fifer), a further twenty-two sets for twenty-eight past projects, and another six sets for additional images. This covers the wide range of projects carried out in the period from October 2006 to the present time.

As we are starting some new projects in the very near future, I will add sets for them as soon as I have the images.....

To help find the most recently uploaded images within the sets - I have added *New* to the title of the extra sets, and *Updated* to those sets with additional images. These notations will remain posted for about ten days or so.

As my photostream displays in the order of uploading, and I am adding images as I locate them, the image chronolgical order does not match......please note that some of the EXIF dates are very wrong, even some from the camera with the currently right date! This will be attended to shortly…..

Thanks for looking – please explore my sets and photostream, and click on some images! Then I’ll know what is popular (or not!)

(Link is in my signature)

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:17 pm 
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Mid – May Updates.

Just dropped by to post that since I have re-uploaded almost all the images, at last I have been able to revise all the links on my ‘homepage’ website. As a by-product of that I have reworked the current and past project pages. No doubt there will be a few more amendments and lost images to find and sort out……


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:40 pm 
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Late May updates.

Recent updates are mainly to the flickr site, although there have been a couple of minor edits to my homepage. There are still a few changes to make, but some more details are needed before that can be done.
Most of the new images are to the NER70 and Miller Fifer sets, with a few others as well. Also a new set “Steel Underframe” has been added - these images have just recently been supplied by the people who fabricated the WHHR underframes some years ago.

Thanks for looking – please explore, and click on some images! Please comment, here or there, if you want.


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:31 pm 
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Flickr updates start of June 2011

I have posted a few extra images to NER70 and the Miller Fifer sets to show current progress, and added to the 1001 things to restore set. There should be more new progress to show shortly.
As always, for you to click on images and even make comments - and fav’ing - would be welcome when you are exploring my collections, sets and photostream.

(Link is in my signature)

Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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 Post subject: Re: And now for something .....
New postPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:39 am 
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Flickr updates early June 2011

Yesterday I posted some more images of current progress with the NER70 restoration; and a few of the Chip Van taken during the recent visit to Spennymoor. I will also have a link to a short video filmed during the event to post quite soon. There are some additional images of model furniture and I’ve replaced one tiny image of the B5 traction engine with a slightly better one.

Enjoy! The link is in my signature.


Saluton. Mi estas fervojistino, kaj vi?

visit http://www.ipernity.com/doc/312383/album

to see what has been done! Perhaps we can do something for you?

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