Your F.O.P.S. Committee meet six times a year in the New Walk Museum and Art Gallery in Leicester to discuss Society issues and I though it was a good time to show your Committee in action, because you only normally see them at an AGM!
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From left to right clockwise:
Acting Secretary Judith Howard, North West Group FOPS Representative Norman Kendall, Vice Chairman Jack Schofield, Stock Controller Tony Harrison, Chairman Peter Haywood, with Ray Elliott on the right.
Also in attendance was Treasurer Keith Pritchett and James Reid who accepted the post of Public Relations Officer, with yours truly Webmaster Dave Stubbs behind the camera (as usual!)
This is a dedicated group of people who travel great distances at their own expense and in their own time to discuss and hopefully resolve any issues relevant to the Society...not an easy task!
File comment: The New Walk Museum and Art Gallery in Leicester
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