All rights reserved. This document, or any part of it, must not be reproduced in any format without prior written permission of the Fair Organ Preservation Society

©2024 - Fair Organ Preservation Society

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Introduction to FOPS


Organ Availability

Events and Rallies

FOPS Forum

Organ Owner Information

PRS License (2022)

Old Site

Membership renewals are now due, go to the Members page and log in to check your subscription status

Organ for sale click for details

To register for the membership PayPal sytem go to the Members Page and click on 'Register'.

See Members Information for details.

The FOPS Discussion Forum is online and open for anyone to use, so join us today!

If you have any corrections or suggestions to expand or improve the site, then please contact the

Welcome to the FOPS Notice Board

Tune in to Mechanical Music Radio for some great tunes on Mechanical instruments!

Organ for sale click for details

New Membership Year

The 2024-2025 membership year started on the 1st October.

Important note to online membership system users, please check your Spam/Junk mail folder for FOPS Webmaster emails, as there have been reports of emails going missing!
Also, please keep your email address up to date, inform the Webmaster if you have changed address.

The membership rates for 2024-2025 are:

UK Ordinary Single £21
UK Ordinary Joint £23
UK Senior Single £17
UK Senior Joint £18
UK Junior £10
Overseas Single £30
Overseas Joint £33

FOPS Membership renewal can be made by PayPal from the FOPS website. Register for the service on the Members Page.

For more details view Members Information

If your subscription for 2024 - 2025 has not been paid by January 2025 your account will have expired. This means:
1. You will not receive any more issues of the society journal The Keyframe.
2. If you have any entries in the Organ Availability Register they will be removed from the listing.
3. If you use the FOPS Organ Insurance Scheme through Sorvio, they will ask you to pay the full price of insurance as a non member.
4. You may not benefit from free admission and you will not be able to vote or raise issues at FOPS AGMs.

If you wish to renew, you can still pay online using PayPal.

Mortier Book

An excellent book titled The Mortier Story has been published about the history of the Mortier family and organs they built.

There is a website with details.

Send anything of interest to the