Hi all!
At the FOPS AGM in March 2011 at the Black Country Museum, Nicholas Simons suggested that I add a page on the FOPS website with links to good quality recordings of good quality organs.
On Nick Marler's "
Fair Organ Talk" Facebook page, Michael Morris suggested that I ask for nominations from you, the enthusiasts, for your favourite video clips for possible inclusion in a new FOPS website page.
The idea is to promote Fair Organ Preservation to a wider audience using social media, but the emphasis is on GOOD QUALITY video's and organs.
I must add this is not a competition, I am not 'judging' your nominations, I am simply asking you to submit links to what you think are the best quality video clips of organs...again with the emphasis on GOOD QUALITY
I appreciate the choice of video's are subjective, but I am sure you will send me a good selection!